
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are things Less After....

Today was my first unofficial official day of my 09-10 Christmas break, being unofficial because we had school today.....:-[ hehehehe which i didn't attend, but after taking my mom to work, i meet my sweet little princess in cranberry for last minute Christmas gifts and just a fun day with my boo.

Our relationship has been great, tough, sweet, wonderful, calming, every word you can think of. all for the Good he's panning out for us. because I'm seeing now more then ever. that not just in romantic relationships but relationship's with friends....."acquaintances" (is probable my safest title) parents siblings and everyone we encounter on our daily lives. are tough, not like i have many friends, but within my own family. Through many different incidents my relationship is become more and more dry, less love less care, but affection because of my title as their son or their brother. and to be honest i HATE it. and i cant let it prosper because i want that carefree relationship where you can tell anything to your family, and know they care and know that your safe within their home, not physically safe but emotionally and mentally safe. The Lord has opened my eyes to the importance that as a follower of the Lord and one to proclaim his Glory and to call apon his rewards we have to be the light of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ must live through us, and we can only do that be a day to day reminder that we're not here for our pleasure and that we're not the driver. if it is through his word, or a small discussion with a friend teacher or authority figure. and it is nearly impossible....who am i kidding IMPOSSIBLE to even think about any of this with a throne in your foot, the throne from the pride-berry tree.

- a perfect example of this tracks back just a few short weeks ago with my relationship, that is still healing everyday. Cara and I have both lost sight on the importance of life, and we let our emotions and our thoughts take the wheel and it was one of the most unpleasant span of weeks I'll ever want to walk again.
- Cara Lynn Niedergall. The one thing, one word that i can BOLDLY use to describe her would have to be perfect. not saying she is at the same level as Jesus was but that she is perfect for me. it might sound clesha but its so true. i see no wrong in her, even when she does things that are out right wrong, if she has a warped mindset. i dont see any of it. and im not to sure if this is a good thing, or something that is stunting her growth by me not challenging her but letting her slip through the cracks.

After our little walmart trip we staggered of to michael's where my baby got the BEST deal on scrapbook stuff, she got a book and 15 count em......15 pages all for 10.47 cents it was such a blessing cause the lady in the line behind us gave Cara a 40% off coupon like out of no where, it was truly a blessing on my baby's wallet^_^

- after we hit up the craft store we went to Panera's bread where i had this delicious classic salad along with a soup full of my teddy monster's bean soup which ROCKED (it tasted like my kind of chili-not spicy- and then at the same time it looked like something professor Snape would drink/ not to much sure as to the exact terminology as to soup, well just say something he would enjoy)

-After this absolutely wonderful day out and about with my babyboo, i....came home:( at home i enjoyed a huge boil of rich, then went to prepare myself for the christmas season that is less then three stinken day's away. so i decided it would be a good idea to crack open the my dad came up stairs and gave me a bunch of wet jeans, and i foolishly had to be a jerk and reply in a prideful way and commented about the affect of wet jeans. so he got all man, and ran down stairs. i really dont think he's to happy with me, i just hope things become mended before christmas, cause its kinda easy for my dad to make me feel like a lot less then important,
-if i can ask for anything for christmas it would be for my selfish pride to be destroyed, and for my focus to be set back on the one that is so patient with us.

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